Monday, December 22, 2014

Giclees! Gicless!

"Painted Giclees"
© 2014 by Rebecca Croft

Suppose you have a favorite photo and you want it to be more than just a photo - you can make it into a giclee and then have an artist like myself paint it and it looks like an original!  This is one way to create a unique piece of art in an affordable way.  I have friends that do a lot of horseback riding and fox hunting that get professional photos taken and then they send them to me to create works of art.  If you would like to give a gift to someone but can't afford a painting this is another option.  Also, prints are another way of getting a piece of art that doesn't cost much.  Think of these choices as a gift next time you are trying to think of something original!

Monday, December 1, 2014

SOLD! Les Beaux France

"Les Beaux, France"
12 x 12 
© 2013 by Rebecca Croft

Sold!  Things are beginning to pick up on Etsy.  I hope lot's of people shop there for Christmas!  I'm well on my way to being finished with my shopping.  I did buy some great gifts on Etsy.  It's always nice to get original gifts and help out other artists!  I have several small paintings at the Gallery Underground in Crystal City as well as notecards.  Hope you all had nice Thanksgiving's.