St. Paul de Vence
9 x 12
© 2013 by Rebecca Croft
This will be in my Etsy store next week. I'm still working on perfecting my Dreama techniques. I just love painting the French & Italian scenes. I can't wait to get over to France this summer and get some unique photographs to paint from! I'll be going out when the sun comes up to photograph houses, windows, doors, gates, gardens, etc. The key to these paintings is to show how the light reflects and bounces. I want to show the joy in these scenes.
I went to pick up my daughter from college this week and that precipitated the cleaning out of my attic so that I would have more room to store her things. That caused me to move a dresser from her room to my studio which got me to cleaning everything out there as well. I feel so productive! My studio is really getting in shape. I will be participating in the Arlington Artist Alliance Studio Tour again in October. It's nice to get spring cleaning done. I hope you all get motivated to do or try something new this week.